Objective of this notebook are to:

  • Help you understand the bandit problem
  • Understand the effects of epsilon on exploration and learn about exploitation/exploration trade-off
  • Introduce some of essential RL softwares that are useful to build a RL solver.

Section 0: Preliminaries

Firstly, we will build a BaseAgent for our RL

from __future__ import print_function
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

class BaseAgent:
    """Implements the agent for an RL-Glue environment.
        agent_init, agent_start, agent_step, agent_end, agent_cleanup, and
        agent_message are required methods.

    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    def __init__(self):

    def agent_init(self, agent_info= {}):
        """Setup for the agent called when the experiment first starts."""

    def agent_start(self, observation):
        """The first method called when the experiment starts, called after
        the environment starts.
            observation (Numpy array): the state observation from the environment's evn_start function.
            The first action the agent takes.

    def agent_step(self, reward, observation):
        """A step taken by the agent.
            reward (float): the reward received for taking the last action taken
            observation (Numpy array): the state observation from the
                environment's step based, where the agent ended up after the
                last step
            The action the agent is taking.

    def agent_end(self, reward):
        """Run when the agent terminates.
            reward (float): the reward the agent received for entering the terminal state.

    def agent_cleanup(self):
        """Cleanup done after the agent ends."""

    def agent_message(self, message):
        """A function used to pass information from the agent to the experiment.
            message: The message passed to the agent.
            The response (or answer) to the message.
class Agent(BaseAgent):
    """agent does *no* learning, selects action 0 always"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.last_action = None
        self.num_actions = None
        self.q_values = None
        self.step_size = None
        self.epsilon = None
        self.initial_value = 0.0
        self.arm_count = [0.0 for _ in range(10)]

    def agent_init(self, agent_info={}):
        """Setup for the agent called when the experiment first starts."""

        # if "actions" in agent_info:
        #     self.num_actions = agent_info["actions"]

        # if "state_array" in agent_info:
        #     self.q_values = agent_info["state_array"]

        self.num_actions = agent_info.get("num_actions", 2)
        self.initial_value = agent_info.get("initial_value", 0.0)
        self.q_values = np.ones(agent_info.get("num_actions", 2)) * self.initial_value
        self.step_size = agent_info.get("step_size", 0.1)
        self.epsilon = agent_info.get("epsilon", 0.0)

        self.last_action = 0

    def agent_start(self, observation):
        """The first method called when the experiment starts, called after
        the environment starts.
            observation (Numpy array): the state observation from the
                environment's evn_start function.
            The first action the agent takes.
        self.last_action = np.random.choice(self.num_actions)  # set first action to 0

        return self.last_action

    def agent_step(self, reward, observation):
        """A step taken by the agent.
            reward (float): the reward received for taking the last action taken
            observation (Numpy array): the state observation from the
                environment's step based, where the agent ended up after the
                last step
            The action the agent is taking.
        # local_action = 0  # choose the action here
        self.last_action = np.random.choice(self.num_actions)

        return self.last_action

    def agent_end(self, reward):
        """Run when the agent terminates.
            reward (float): the reward the agent received for entering the
                terminal state.

    def agent_cleanup(self):
        """Cleanup done after the agent ends."""

    def agent_message(self, message):
        """A function used to pass information from the agent to the experiment.
            message: The message passed to the agent.
            The response (or answer) to the message.

Then, we create an Environment and its abstract for our RL. This is the 10-armed Testbed introduced in section 2.3 of the textbook. We use this throughout this notebook to test our bandit agents. It has 10 arms, which are the actions the agent can take. Pulling an arm generates a stochastic reward from a Gaussian distribution with unit-variance. For each action, the expected value of that action is randomly sampled from a normal distribution, at the start of each run. If you are unfamiliar with the 10-armed Testbed please review it in the textbook before continuing.

"""Abstract environment base class.

from __future__ import print_function

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

class BaseEnvironment:
    """Implements the environment for an RLGlue environment

        env_init, env_start, env_step, env_cleanup, and env_message are required

    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    def __init__(self):
        reward = None
        observation = None
        termination = None
        self.reward_obs_term = (reward, observation, termination)

    def env_init(self, env_info={}):
        """Setup for the environment called when the experiment first starts.

            Initialize a tuple with the reward, first state observation, boolean
            indicating if it's terminal.

    def env_start(self):
        """The first method called when the experiment starts, called before the
        agent starts.

            The first state observation from the environment.

    def env_step(self, action):
        """A step taken by the environment.

            action: The action taken by the agent

            (float, state, Boolean): a tuple of the reward, state observation,
                and boolean indicating if it's terminal.

    def env_cleanup(self):
        """Cleanup done after the environment ends"""

    def env_message(self, message):
        """A message asking the environment for information

            message: the message passed to the environment

            the response (or answer) to the message
class Environment(BaseEnvironment):
    """Implements the environment for an RLGlue environment

        env_init, env_start, env_step, env_cleanup, and env_message are required

    actions = [0]

    def __init__(self):
        reward = None
        observation = None
        termination = None
        self.reward_obs_term = (reward, observation, termination)
        self.count = 0
        self.arms = []
        self.seed = None

    def env_init(self, env_info={}):
        """Setup for the environment called when the experiment first starts.

            Initialize a tuple with the reward, first state observation, boolean
            indicating if it's terminal.

        self.arms = np.random.randn(10)#[np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0) for _ in range(10)]
        local_observation = 0  # An empty NumPy array

        self.reward_obs_term = (0.0, local_observation, False)

    def env_start(self):
        """The first method called when the experiment starts, called before the
        agent starts.

            The first state observation from the environment.
        return self.reward_obs_term[1]

    def env_step(self, action):
        """A step taken by the environment.

            action: The action taken by the agent

            (float, state, Boolean): a tuple of the reward, state observation,
                and boolean indicating if it's terminal.

        # if action == 0:
        #     if np.random.random() < 0.2:
        #         reward = 14
        #     else:
        #         reward = 6

        # if action == 1:
        #     reward = np.random.choice(range(10,14))

        # if action == 2:
        #     if np.random.random() < 0.8:
        #         reward = 174
        #     else:
        #         reward = 7

        # reward = np.random.normal(self.arms[action], 1.0)

        reward = self.arms[action] + np.random.randn()

        obs = self.reward_obs_term[1]

        self.reward_obs_term = (reward, obs, False)

        return self.reward_obs_term

    def env_cleanup(self):
        """Cleanup done after the environment ends"""

    def env_message(self, message):
        """A message asking the environment for information

            message (string): the message passed to the environment

            string: the response (or answer) to the message
        if message == "what is the current reward?":
            return "{}".format(self.reward_obs_term[0])

        # else
        return "I don't know how to respond to your message"

Here, we create RLGlue which was originally designed by Adam White, Brian Tanner, and Rich Sutton. This library will give you a solid framework to understand how reinforcement learning experiments work and how to run your own.

class RLGlue:
    """RLGlue class

        env_name (string): the name of the module where the Environment class can be found
        agent_name (string): the name of the module where the Agent class can be found

    def __init__(self, env_class, agent_class):
        self.environment = env_class()
        self.agent = agent_class()

        self.total_reward = None
        self.last_action = None
        self.num_steps = None
        self.num_episodes = None

    def rl_init(self, agent_init_info={}, env_init_info={}):
        """Initial method called when RLGlue experiment is created"""

        self.total_reward = 0.0
        self.num_steps = 0
        self.num_episodes = 0

    def rl_start(self, agent_start_info={}, env_start_info={}):
        """Starts RLGlue experiment

            tuple: (state, action)

        last_state = self.environment.env_start()
        self.last_action = self.agent.agent_start(last_state)

        observation = (last_state, self.last_action)

        return observation

    def rl_agent_start(self, observation):
        """Starts the agent.

            observation: The first observation from the environment

            The action taken by the agent.
        return self.agent.agent_start(observation)

    def rl_agent_step(self, reward, observation):
        """Step taken by the agent

            reward (float): the last reward the agent received for taking the
                last action.
            observation : the state observation the agent receives from the

            The action taken by the agent.
        return self.agent.agent_step(reward, observation)

    def rl_agent_end(self, reward):
        """Run when the agent terminates

            reward (float): the reward the agent received when terminating

    def rl_env_start(self):
        """Starts RL-Glue environment.

            (float, state, Boolean): reward, state observation, boolean
                indicating termination
        self.total_reward = 0.0
        self.num_steps = 1

        this_observation = self.environment.env_start()

        return this_observation

    def rl_env_step(self, action):
        """Step taken by the environment based on action from agent

            action: Action taken by agent.

            (float, state, Boolean): reward, state observation, boolean
                indicating termination.
        ro = self.environment.env_step(action)
        (this_reward, _, terminal) = ro

        self.total_reward += this_reward

        if terminal:
            self.num_episodes += 1
            self.num_steps += 1

        return ro

    def rl_step(self):
        """Step taken by RLGlue, takes environment step and either step or
            end by agent.

            (float, state, action, Boolean): reward, last state observation,
                last action, boolean indicating termination

        (reward, last_state, term) = self.environment.env_step(self.last_action)

        self.total_reward += reward

        if term:
            self.num_episodes += 1
            roat = (reward, last_state, None, term)
            self.num_steps += 1
            self.last_action = self.agent.agent_step(reward, last_state)
            roat = (reward, last_state, self.last_action, term)

        return roat

    def rl_cleanup(self):
        """Cleanup done at end of experiment."""

    def rl_agent_message(self, message):
        """Message passed to communicate with agent during experiment

            message: the message (or question) to send to the agent

            The message back (or answer) from the agent


        return self.agent.agent_message(message)

    def rl_env_message(self, message):
        """Message passed to communicate with environment during experiment

            message: the message (or question) to send to the environment

            The message back (or answer) from the environment

        return self.environment.env_message(message)

    def rl_episode(self, max_steps_this_episode):
        """Runs an RLGlue episode

            max_steps_this_episode (Int): the maximum steps for the experiment to run in an episode

            Boolean: if the episode should terminate
        is_terminal = False


        while (not is_terminal) and ((max_steps_this_episode == 0) or
                                     (self.num_steps < max_steps_this_episode)):
            rl_step_result = self.rl_step()
            is_terminal = rl_step_result[3]

        return is_terminal

    def rl_return(self):
        """The total reward

            float: the total reward
        return self.total_reward

    def rl_num_steps(self):
        """The total number of steps taken

            Int: the total number of steps taken
        return self.num_steps

    def rl_num_episodes(self):
        """The number of episodes

            Int: the total number of episodes

        return self.num_episodes
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
import time

Section 1: Greedy Agent

We want to create an agent that will find the action with the highest expected reward. One way an agent could operate is to always choose the action with the highest value based on the agent’s current estimates. This is called a greedy agent as it greedily chooses the action that it thinks has the highest value. Let's look at what happens in this case.

First we are going to implement the argmax function, which takes in a list of action values and returns an action with the highest value. Why are we implementing our own instead of using the argmax function that numpy uses? Numpy's argmax function returns the first instance of the highest value. We do not want that to happen as it biases the agent to choose a specific action in the case of ties. Instead we want to break ties between the highest values randomly. So we are going to implement our own argmax function. You may want to look at np.random.choice to randomly select from a list of values.

def argmax(q_values):
    Takes in a list of q_values and returns the index of the item 
    with the highest value. Breaks ties randomly.
    returns: int - the index of the highest value in q_values
    top_value = float("-inf")
    ties = []
    for i in range(len(q_values)):
        # if a value in q_values is greater than the highest value update top and reset ties to zero
        # if a value is equal to top value add the index to ties
        # return a random selection from ties.
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        if q_values[i] > top_value:
            top_value = q_values[i]
            ties = [i]
        elif q_values[i] == top_value:
    return np.random.choice(ties)

Next, we are going to create a GreedyAgent and implement the agent_step method. This method gets called each time the agent takes a step. The method has to return the action selected by the agent. This method also ensures the agent’s estimates are updated based on the signals it gets from the environment.

class GreedyAgent(Agent):
    def agent_step(self, reward, observation=None):
        Takes one step for the agent. It takes in a reward and observation and 
        returns the action the agent chooses at that time step.
        reward -- float, the reward the agent recieved from the environment after taking the last action.
        observation -- float, the observed state the agent is in. Do not worry about this as you will not use it
                              until future lessons
        current_action -- int, the action chosen by the agent at the current time step.
        ### Useful Class Variables ###
        # self.q_values : An array with what the agent believes each of the values of the arm are.
        # self.arm_count : An array with a count of the number of times each arm has been pulled.
        # self.last_action : The action that the agent took on the previous time step
        # Update Q values Hint: Look at the algorithm in section 2.4 of the textbook.
        # increment the counter in self.arm_count for the action from the previous time step
        # update the step size using self.arm_count
        # update self.q_values for the action from the previous time step
        self.arm_count[self.last_action] += 1
        self.q_values[self.last_action] += (reward - self.q_values[self.last_action]) / self.arm_count[self.last_action]
        current_action = argmax(self.q_values)
        self.last_action = current_action
        return current_action

Then, let's visualize the result

num_runs = 200                    # The number of times we run the experiment
num_steps = 1000                  # The number of pulls of each arm the agent takes
env = Environment     # We set what environment we want to use to test
agent = GreedyAgent               # We choose what agent we want to use
agent_info = {"num_actions": 10}  # We pass the agent the information it needs. Here how many arms there are.
env_info = {}                     # We pass the environment the information it needs. In this case nothing.

rewards = np.zeros((num_runs, num_steps))
average_best = 0
for run in tqdm(range(num_runs)):           # tqdm is what creates the progress bar below
    rl_glue = RLGlue(env, agent)          # Creates a new RLGlue experiment with the env and agent we chose above
    rl_glue.rl_init(agent_info, env_info) # We pass RLGlue what it needs to initialize the agent and environment
    rl_glue.rl_start()                    # We start the experiment

    average_best += np.max(rl_glue.environment.arms)
    for i in range(num_steps):
        reward, _, action, _ = rl_glue.rl_step() # The environment and agent take a step and return
                                                 # the reward, and action taken.
        rewards[run, i] = reward

greedy_scores = np.mean(rewards, axis=0)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5), dpi= 80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
plt.plot([average_best / num_runs for _ in range(num_steps)], linestyle="--")
plt.legend(["Best Possible", "Greedy"])
plt.title("Average Reward of Greedy Agent")
plt.ylabel("Average reward")
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:03<00:00, 63.50it/s]

Section 2: Epsilon-Greedy Agent

We noticed about a trade off between Exploitation and Exploration, where it does not always take the greedy action. Instead, sometimes it takes an exploratory action. It does this so that it can find out what the best action really is. If we always choose what we think is the current best action is, we may miss out on taking the true best action, because we haven't explored enough times to find that best action.

Implement an epsilon-greedy agent below. Hint: we are implementing the algorithm from section 2.4 of this textbook. You may want to use your greedy code from above and look at np.random.random, as well as np.random.randint, to help you select random actions.

class EpsilonGreedyAgent(Agent):
    def agent_step(self, reward, observation):
        Takes one step for the agent. It takes in a reward and observation and 
        returns the action the agent chooses at that time step.
        reward -- float, the reward the agent recieved from the environment after taking the last action.
        observation -- float, the observed state the agent is in. Do not worry about this as you will not use it
                              until future lessons
        current_action -- int, the action chosen by the agent at the current time step.
        ### Useful Class Variables ###
        # self.q_values : An array with what the agent believes each of the values of the arm are.
        # self.arm_count : An array with a count of the number of times each arm has been pulled.
        # self.last_action : The action that the agent took on the previous time step
        # self.epsilon : The probability an epsilon greedy agent will explore (ranges between 0 and 1)
        # Update Q values - this should be the same update as your greedy agent above
        self.arm_count[self.last_action] += 1
        self.q_values[self.last_action] += (reward - self.q_values[self.last_action]) / self.arm_count[self.last_action]
        # Choose action using epsilon greedy
        # Randomly choose a number between 0 and 1 and see if it's less than self.epsilon
        if np.random.random() < self.epsilon:
            current_action = np.random.randint(len(self.q_values))
            current_action = argmax(self.q_values)
        self.last_action = current_action
        return current_action

Now that we have our epsilon greedy agent created. Let's compare it against the greedy agent with epsilon of 0.1.

num_runs = 200
num_steps = 1000
epsilon = 0.1
agent = EpsilonGreedyAgent
env = Environment # ten arms
agent_info = {"num_actions": 10, "epsilon": epsilon}
env_info = {}
all_rewards = np.zeros((num_runs, num_steps))

for run in tqdm(range(num_runs)):
    rl_glue = RLGlue(env, agent)
    rl_glue.rl_init(agent_info, env_info)

    for i in range(num_steps):
        reward, _, action, _ = rl_glue.rl_step() # The environment and agent take a step and return
                                                 # the reward, and action taken.
        all_rewards[run, i] = reward

# take the mean over runs
scores = np.mean(all_rewards, axis=0)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5), dpi= 80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
plt.plot([1.55 for _ in range(num_steps)], linestyle="--")
plt.title("Average Reward of Greedy Agent vs. E-Greedy Agent")
plt.legend(("Best Possible", "Greedy", "Epsilon: 0.1"))
plt.ylabel("Average reward")
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:03<00:00, 63.69it/s]

Here, we noticed how much better the epsilon-greedy agent did. Because we occasionally choose a random action we were able to find a better long term policy. By acting greedily before our value estimates are accurate, we risk settling on a suboptimal action.

Section 3: Comparing values of epsilon

Can we do better than an epsilon of 0.1? Let's try several different values for epsilon and see how they perform. We try different settings of key performance parameters to understand how the agent might perform under different conditions.

Below we run an experiment where we sweep over different values for epsilon:

epsilons = [0.0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.4]

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5), dpi= 80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
plt.plot([1.55 for _ in range(num_steps)], linestyle="--")

n_q_values = []
n_averages = []
n_best_actions = []

num_runs = 200

for epsilon in epsilons:
    all_averages = []
    for run in tqdm(range(num_runs)):
        agent = EpsilonGreedyAgent
        agent_info = {"num_actions": 10, "epsilon": epsilon}
        env_info = {"random_seed": run}

        rl_glue = RLGlue(env, agent)
        rl_glue.rl_init(agent_info, env_info)
        best_arm = np.argmax(rl_glue.environment.arms)

        scores = [0]
        averages = []
        best_action_chosen = []
        for i in range(num_steps):
            reward, state, action, is_terminal = rl_glue.rl_step()
            scores.append(scores[-1] + reward)
            averages.append(scores[-1] / (i + 1))
            if action == best_arm:
            if epsilon == 0.1 and run == 0:
        if epsilon == 0.1:
    plt.plot(np.mean(all_averages, axis=0))

plt.legend(["Best Possible"] + epsilons)
plt.ylabel("Average reward")
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:04<00:00, 48.39it/s]
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:04<00:00, 48.03it/s]
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:03<00:00, 55.24it/s]
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:02<00:00, 67.29it/s]

Section 4: The Effect of Step Size

In Section 1, we decayed the step size over time based on action-selection counts. The step-size was 1/N(A), where N(A) is the number of times action A was selected. This is the same as computing a sample average. We could also set the step size to be a constant value, such as 0.1. What would be the effect of doing that? And is it better to use a constant or the sample average method?

To investigate this question, let’s start by creating a new agent that has a constant step size. This will be nearly identical to the agent created above. You will use the same code to select the epsilon-greedy action. You will change the update to have a constant step size instead of using the 1/N(A) update.

class EpsilonGreedyAgentConstantStepsize(Agent):
    def agent_step(self, reward, observation):
        Takes one step for the agent. It takes in a reward and observation and 
        returns the action the agent chooses at that time step.
        reward -- float, the reward the agent recieved from the environment after taking the last action.
        observation -- float, the observed state the agent is in. Do not worry about this as you will not use it
                              until future lessons
        current_action -- int, the action chosen by the agent at the current time step.
        ### Useful Class Variables ###
        # self.q_values : An array with what the agent believes each of the values of the arm are.
        # self.arm_count : An array with a count of the number of times each arm has been pulled.
        # self.last_action : An int of the action that the agent took on the previous time step.
        # self.step_size : A float which is the current step size for the agent.
        # self.epsilon : The probability an epsilon greedy agent will explore (ranges between 0 and 1)
        # Update q_values for action taken at previous time step 
        # using self.step_size intead of using self.arm_count
        self.arm_count[self.last_action] += 1
        self.q_values[self.last_action] += self.step_size * (reward - self.q_values[self.last_action])
        # Choose action using epsilon greedy. This is the same as you implemented above.
        if np.random.random() < self.epsilon:
            current_action = np.random.randint(len(self.q_values))
            current_action = argmax(self.q_values)
        self.last_action = current_action
        return current_action
step_sizes = [0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, '1/N(A)']

epsilon = 0.1
num_steps = 1000
num_runs = 200

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5), dpi= 80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

q_values = {step_size: [] for step_size in step_sizes}
true_values = {step_size: None for step_size in step_sizes}
best_actions = {step_size: [] for step_size in step_sizes}

for step_size in step_sizes:
    all_averages = []
    for run in tqdm(range(num_runs)):
        agent = EpsilonGreedyAgentConstantStepsize if step_size != '1/N(A)' else EpsilonGreedyAgent
        agent_info = {"num_actions": 10, "epsilon": epsilon, "step_size": step_size, "initial_value": 0.0}
        env_info = {}

        rl_glue = RLGlue(env, agent)
        rl_glue.rl_init(agent_info, env_info)
        best_arm = np.argmax(rl_glue.environment.arms)

        if run == 0:
            true_values[step_size] = np.copy(rl_glue.environment.arms)
        best_action_chosen = []
        for i in range(num_steps):
            reward, state, action, is_terminal = rl_glue.rl_step()
            if action == best_arm:
            if run == 0:
    ax.plot(np.mean(best_actions[step_size], axis=0))

plt.title("% Best Arm Pulled")
plt.ylabel("% Best Arm Pulled")
vals = ax.get_yticks()
ax.set_yticklabels(['{:,.2%}'.format(x) for x in vals])
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:03<00:00, 56.86it/s]
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:03<00:00, 60.23it/s]
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:03<00:00, 59.37it/s]
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:03<00:00, 59.35it/s]
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:03<00:00, 56.94it/s]
C:\Users\ND258645\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_15840\3358721971.py:48: UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator
  ax.set_yticklabels(['{:,.2%}'.format(x) for x in vals])

Notice first that we are now plotting the amount of time that the best action is taken rather than the average reward. To better understand the performance of an agent, it can be useful to measure specific behaviors, beyond just how much reward is accumulated. This measure indicates how close the agent’s behaviour is to optimal.

It seems as though 1/N(A) performed better than the others, in that it reaches a solution where it takes the best action most frequently. Now why might this be? Why did a step size of 0.5 start out better but end up performing worse? Why did a step size of 0.01 perform so poorly?

Let's dig into this further below. Let’s plot how well each agent tracks the true value, where each agent has a different step size method. You do not have to enter any code here, just follow along.

largest = 0
num_steps = 1000
for step_size in step_sizes:
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5), dpi= 80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
    largest = np.argmax(true_values[step_size])
    plt.plot([true_values[step_size][largest] for _ in range(num_steps)], linestyle="--")
    plt.title("Step Size: {}".format(step_size))
    plt.plot(np.array(q_values[step_size])[:, largest])
    plt.legend(["True Expected Value", "Estimated Value"])

These plots help clarify the performance differences between the different step sizes. A step size of 0.01 makes such small updates that the agent’s value estimate of the best action does not get close to the actual value. Step sizes of 0.5 and 1.0 both get close to the true value quickly, but are very susceptible to stochasticity in the rewards. The updates overcorrect too much towards recent rewards, and so oscillate around the true value. This means that on many steps, the action that pulls the best arm may seem worse than it actually is. A step size of 0.1 updates fairly quickly to the true value, and does not oscillate as widely around the true values as 0.5 and 1.0. This is one of the reasons that 0.1 performs quite well. Finally we see why 1/N(A) performed well. Early on while the step size is still reasonably high it moves quickly to the true expected value, but as it gets pulled more its step size is reduced which makes it less susceptible to the stochasticity of the rewards.

Does this mean that 1/N(A) is always the best? When might it not be? One possible setting where it might not be as effective is in non-stationary problems. You learned about non-stationarity in the lessons. Non-stationarity means that the environment may change over time. This could manifest itself as continual change over time of the environment, or a sudden change in the environment.

Let's look at how a sudden change in the reward distributions affects a step size like 1/N(A). This time we will run the environment for 2000 steps, and after 1000 steps we will randomly change the expected value of all of the arms. We compare two agents, both using epsilon-greedy with epsilon = 0.1. One uses a constant step size of 0.1, the other a step size of 1/N(A) that reduces over time.

epsilon = 0.1
num_steps = 2000
num_runs = 500
step_size = 0.1

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5), dpi= 80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
plt.plot([1.55 for _ in range(num_steps)], linestyle="--")

for agent in [EpsilonGreedyAgent, EpsilonGreedyAgentConstantStepsize]:
    rewards = np.zeros((num_runs, num_steps))
    for run in tqdm(range(num_runs)):
        agent_info = {"num_actions": 10, "epsilon": epsilon, "step_size": step_size}
        rl_glue = RLGlue(env, agent)
        rl_glue.rl_init(agent_info, env_info)

        for i in range(num_steps):
            reward, state, action, is_terminal = rl_glue.rl_step()
            rewards[run, i] = reward
            if i == 1000:
                rl_glue.environment.arms = np.random.randn(10)
    plt.plot(np.mean(rewards, axis=0))
plt.legend(["Best Possible", "1/N(A)", "0.1"])
plt.ylabel("Average reward")
100%|██████████| 500/500 [00:14<00:00, 34.20it/s]
100%|██████████| 500/500 [00:18<00:00, 27.43it/s]

Now the agent with a step size of 1/N(A) performed better at the start but then performed worse when the environment changed! What happened?

Think about what the step size would be after 1000 steps. Let's say the best action gets chosen 500 times. That means the step size for that action is 1/500 or 0.002. At each step when we update the value of the action and the value is going to move only 0.002 * the error. That is a very tiny adjustment and it will take a long time for it to get to the true value.

The agent with step size 0.1, however, will always update in 1/10th of the direction of the error. This means that on average it will take ten steps for it to update its value to the sample mean.

These are the types of tradeoffs we have to think about in reinforcement learning. A larger step size moves us more quickly toward the true value, but can make our estimated values oscillate around the expected value. A step size that reduces over time can converge to close to the expected value, without oscillating. On the other hand, such a decaying stepsize is not able to adapt to changes in the environment. Nonstationarity---and the related concept of partial observability---is a common feature of reinforcement learning problems and when learning online.